


崇邦项目管理部 ESG 设计及施工政策(最终讨论稿)


1. 编制目的: 关于本《崇邦项目管理部 ESG 设计及施工政策》(以下简称本政 策)的指导目标及要求,是为确保可持续性发展方针,作为崇邦 集团整体发展策略的一个重要组成部份;

2. 编制原则: 本政策中规定的要求代表了崇邦公司对新建和重大改造项目的 基准规划和设计要求,要求其必须达到或超过国家规范(中国绿 色建筑评价标准);并同时采纳其他相关国际绿色认证标准的要 求作为可选项(包括:LEED、WELL、BREEAM、RESET、SITE 等), 选项标准应考虑(包括但不限于)每个项目不同的投资发展项目 规模、情况、出让及建设条件、股东投资方的要求及功能业态定 位等;

本政策是项目管理文件(QAQC)的一部分,它将伴随所有设计 和施工服务及材料供应的招投标文件。

3. 修订原则: 本政策应持续性作复审更新或补充,并且在有修改需求时可作跟 进修改,并根据企业的实际情况来制订,确保目标可实现。


1.0 可持续性发展基本要求

1.1 可持续性发展策略

1.1.1 针对相关生物多样性和栖息地,气候变化适应,能耗及管理, 建材环境属性,温室气体排放管理,绿色建筑认证,建筑安全, 健康和福祉,位置与交通,气候韧性,供应链,用水管理及废 弃物管理的可持续性发展策略考虑应按国家设计及施工管理规 范要求执行。

1.2 可持续场地选择准则

1.2.1 需提供多种满足国家绿色建筑规范标准设计的交通接入方式。

1.2.2 项目应处在已开发地区内,项目边界400m-1km半径范围内的开 发密度,需满足该项目申请的绿色认证(如:LEED认证)要求。

1.2.3 保护、修复及保全场地内原有的濒危物种、自然水域、湿地、 植被等,保持场地内外生态系统的连贯性。

1.2.4 开发占地选址应选择已开发过的土地,非基本农田、非涝源。

1.2.5 工业污染地块再开发,须按国家相关规范《建设用地土壤修复 技术导则》要求处理。

1.3 可持续场地设计/开发要求

1.3.1 加强建筑施工及拆除废弃物回收,减少填埋,回收和/或再利用 无害的营建和拆建材料占比大于等于15%。

1.3.2 增进可回收利用的植被、岩石及土壤的管理,按施工管理规范《建筑垃圾处理技术规范》要求执行。

1.3.3 应订制施工期间空气污染管理计划,确保施工期间空气品质保 护。

1.3.4 施工活动中应减少施工污染,保护地表水、水生物系统及水体。

1.3.5 保护及修复施工期间扰动的栖息地及土壤。

1.3.6 通过园林绿化、绿化屋面、垂直绿墙和绿色基础设施,实现城 市生物多样性,以改善微气候,减少城市                          热岛效应,以及生态 系统对环境压力的整体复原力。

2.0 材料与认证

2.1 建材属性

2.1.1 禁用非环保建材(如含铅涂料、石棉、汞),减少存在潜在健康危 险建材的使用,采用绿色清洁用品,优先采用低挥发(low-VOC)建 材(油漆涂料、粘合剂、密封剂、石膏板等)和低挥发家具。

2.1.2 优先采用具有环保性能优良的建材(如本地材料、含回收成分建材 等)。

2.1.3 公开建材的建筑健康及环境信息,优先采购全组份公开的材料, 优先采购具有经第三方认证或评价的绿色环材。

2.1.4 优先向公开产品环保证明的供应商采购环保建材。

2.1.5 优先向具有公开产品环保证明及公开材料成分健康属性的供应商 采购。

2.1.6 参照各省市《禁止或限制使用的用于建设工程的材料目录》禁止使 用对环境及健康有害的建筑材料。

2.1.7 采用当地提取生产的材料,500km 以内生产的建筑材料重量占建筑 材料总重量的比例应大于 60%。

2.1.8 部份采用可快速再生的建材、低隐含碳材料及含循环成分材料(如 竹制品、亚麻、麦秸制品、回收成分含量高的建材等)。

2.1.9 公共建筑建设中的易回收材料、可再循环材料和可再利用材料用量 比例不少于 15%。

2.1.10 采用低碳材料和国家认同的第三方认证或其他环保认证的木基材 料及产品。

2.1.11 低挥发材料的使用参考国家《低挥发性有机化合物》相关规范。

2.1.12 所有新建项目应采用预制化设计和施工,其主体建筑须有 40%以上 的结构构件采用预制。

2.2 绿色建筑标准

2.2.1 各开发项目达到中国绿建二星要求,并按各项目情况选择满足其它 国际绿色建筑认证体系标准。

2.2.2 根据各项目的绿色认证要求,在认证汇报周期中得到相关绿色建筑 认证或预认证。

3.0 能源效率

3.1 能效要求

3.1.1 规划及设计的节能要求,按不低于国家设计规范《公共建筑节能设 计标准》及《建筑节能与可再生能源利用通用规范》要求执行。

3.1.2 综合设计过程须按照相关需要满足的绿色认证标准执行。

3.1.3 建筑围护结构的热工性能应比现行国家有关建筑节能设计标准规定的要求高 10%以上;建筑能耗应比现行国家建筑节能标准低 20%以上。

3.1.4 节能措施按国家设计规范《公共建筑节能设计标准》及《建筑节能 与可再生能源利用通用规范》要求执行。

3.1.5 建筑东、南、西向外窗和透光幕墙均采取遮阳措施。

3.1.6 空调:冷水机组的 COP、燃气锅炉(如有)的热效率、单元式空 调的能效比(EER)、多联机的综合性能系数(IPLV),应符合 GB55015-2021《建筑节能与可再生能源利用通用规范》。

3.1.7 调试:各系统按国家设计及验收规范要求执行。

3.1.8 能耗模拟:建立评价围护结构热工性能及建筑能耗的模型。

3.1.9 照明:主要功能房间的照明功率密度值达到现行国家标准 GB50034《建筑照明设计标准》规定的目标值;在满足规范要求的同时,公 共区域的照明系统应采用节能控制,包括分区、分组和亮度控制。 在日光充足的区域,照明控制系统应独立布线。走廊、楼梯间、门 厅、电梯厅和地下停车场等区域应采用包括 “灯具跳接布线”在 内的节能控制措施,以便在部分负荷期间关闭备用的照明灯组。办 公边界隔墙的照明由光电传感器控制,可由建筑管理系统自动控制, 也可以转为由住户手动控制。消防楼梯间照明采用人员感应控制。 车库照明功率密度控制在 1.9W/m2 以内。

3.1.10 人体探测传感器:消防楼梯的照明由人体探测传感器控制。

3.1.11 采暖:应采取措施降低部分负荷、部分空间使用下的供暖系统能耗。

3.1.12 通风:机械通风按国家设计规范《民用建筑供暖通风与空气调节设 计规范》要求执行。针对玻璃幕墙建筑,设置可开启扇或通风装置 以实现自然通风,降低过渡季空调用能。

3.1.13 风机效率不低于现行国家标准能效等级 2 级,循环水泵效率不低于 现行国家标准的节能评价值。

3.1.14  水加热:采用可再生能源解决部分集中热水供应需求。

3.1.15 建筑能效监控:设置分类、分级用能自动远传计量系统,设置能源 管理系统以实现对建筑能耗的监测及监控。监测并记录总冷量/热 量供应。

3.1.16 用能分析:设置分类、分级用能自动远传计量系统,且设置能源管 理系统实现对建筑能耗的数据分析和管理。将制冷系统的总供冷量 及制热系统总供热量纳入计量。

3.1.17  建成后持续监测建筑用能逐年变化情况(不小于 10 年)。

3.1.18  分项计量:设置分类、分级用能自动远传计量系统。

3.1.19 生命周期评估(LCA),包括能源、水、隐含碳和碳排放,将作为 设计指引适用于包括结构工程在内的所有主要系统。充分考虑全生 命周期影响和资本配置,以便决策。在建筑可行性研究、方案设计、初步设计、施工图设计及施工阶段, 均进行建筑碳排放分析,其中应包含建筑隐含碳计算,包括但不限 于:建筑材料、运输过程、装配、维修和材料更换、分解以及再利 用、回收、再循环。分析中的建筑元件应包括但不限于:钢架、波 纹钢和混凝土地板、钢筋混凝土结构和幕墙。

3.1.20 建立和完善建筑设备系统节能诊断,对建筑能耗基本信息,主要用 能系统、设备能效及室内环境参数进行监测,并具备显示、查询、 报警、记录等功能。其存储介质和数据库应能连续记录三年以上的 运行参数。

3.2 现场可再生能源

3.2.1 各新建项目均应安装太阳能系统。根据不同的项目标准和适用条件, 进一步考虑电池存储、微电网系统、BIPV、电网互动监测和控制 系统。对于有条件的项目,可进一步采用其他如生物质燃料,地热, 水能,风能等可再生能源措施。在战略方案中考虑增加可再生能源 的采用,包括签订可再生能源电力购买协议(PPA)和购买可再生 能源证书(REC)等措施。

4.0 节水及废弃物管理

4.1 用水效率要求

4.1.1 规划及设计的节水要求按国家设计规范《公共建筑节能设计标准》要求执行。

4.1.2 调试计划按国家设计及验收规范《建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工质 量验收规范》要求执行。

4.1.3 节水综合设计满足现行国家标准《民用建筑节水设计标准》。

4.1.4 室内用水效率要求:室内用水器具用水效率达到 2 级及以上。

4.1.5 户外用水效率要求:采用节水灌溉系统(微灌或滴灌等),设置土 壤湿度感应器、雨天自动关闭装置等节水控制措施,或种植耐旱植 物。

4.1.6 供水要求:集体生活热水、泳池用水、采暖空调系统用水、景观水 体等的水质符合现行相关国家标准的要求。

4.1.7 节水措施:水景绿化地库冲洗采用回用水、室内用水器具用水效率达到 2 级及以上。

4.1.8 水系统调试按国家设计及验收规范《建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工 质量验收规范》要求执行。

4.1.9 滴灌、智能灌溉:  采用节水灌溉系统(微灌或滴灌等)。

4.1.10  尽量种植耐旱/节水本地植物。

4.1.11 高效/干式洁具:室内用水器具用水效率达到 2 级及以上。

4.1.12 人员感应器:优先采购带有感应功能的洁具(如感应龙头、感应小 便器等)。

4.1.13  现场污水处理按国家施工规范执行。

4.1.14 雨水再利用(非饮用水用途):采用非传统水源用于绿化灌溉、车 库及道路冲洗、洗车用水。提供分项计量,以监测回收再利用的雨 水量。

4.1.15 用水效率监测:设置用水量远传计量系统,能分类、分级记录、统 计分析各种用水情况。

4.1.16  建成后持续监测建筑用水情况逐年变化(不少于 20 年)。

4.1.17  分项计量:设置分类、分级用能自动远传计量系统。

4.1.18 用水分析:设置用水量远传计量系统,能分类、分级记录、统计分 析各种用水情况。

4.2 废弃物管理

4.2.1 现场废水管理按国家施工规范执行。

4.2.2 考虑设置可回收物收集点(分 5 类:金属、塑料、纸、纸板和玻璃)。

4.2.3 追踪废弃物及废弃物转移率(始从垃圾填埋场)。

5.0 供应链

5.1 针对承包商的环境、社会和公司治理要求

5.1.1 施工过程的环境审核标准按施工管理规范《建筑工程绿色施工 规范》、《建筑施工场界环境噪声排放标准》要求执行。

5.1.2 选用绿色建材:500km 以内生产的建筑材料重量占建筑材料总重量 的比例应大于 60%;现浇混凝土应采用预拌混凝土,建筑砂浆应采 用预拌砂浆。公共建筑建设中可再循环材料和可再利用材料用量比 例达到 15%。

5.1.3 采用基于人员健康的材料,标准参考国家规范《民用建筑工程室内 环境污染控制规范》。

5.1.4 现场人员安全按施工管理规范《建筑施工安全检查标准》、《建设工 程施工现场消防安全技术规范》、《建设工程施工现场环境与卫生标 准》要求执行。

5.1.5 针对分包商的环境、社会和公司治理要求按工程总包施工管理规范 要求执行。

5.2 承包商合规监测

5.2.1 按崇邦项目管理及绿色认证标准执行,并要求承包商提供施工 相关环境及社会影响报告,配合第三方外部审计,执行内部审 计(100%覆盖)、周度或月度现场会及巡访。

6.0 健康、安全与福祉

6.1 人员福祉

6.1.1 相关健康及福祉要求及措施,规划及设计要求,综合规划过程 应参照国家规范《职业健康监护技术规范》、企业关于员工健康 及福利的管理制度及相关绿色建筑规范标准。

6.1.2 有关主动及被动休闲空间设施:按不同项目要求,考虑城市绿地、 广场及公共运动场地等开敞空间,考虑步行可达性,并合理设置健 身场地和空间。

6.1.3 依据崇邦项目定位,引入带运动的设计特征(即体育活动和运动相 关的主题)。

6.1.4 日照分析按国家设计规范执行。

6.1.5 室内空气品质监测:地下车库应设置与排风设备联动的一氧化碳浓 度监测装置。设置监测 PM10、PM2.5、CO2 浓度的空气质量监测系 统,且具有存储至少一年的监测数据和实时显示等功能。室内空气 质量标准参照 RESET 或同等标准。

6.1.6 室内空气品质源头控制:建筑室内空气中甲醛、苯系物、总挥发性有机物、氢等污染物浓度应符合现行国家标准《室内空气质量标准》GB/T18883 的有关规定。

6.1.7 自然通风根据相关国家设计规范执行。

6.1.8 根据国家设计规范及控制条例要求提供有助运动的交通方式(自行 车或步行)。

6.1.9 人员教育方面,建立绿色教育宣传和实践机制,编制绿色设施使用 手册,形成良好的绿色氛围。

6.1.10 竣工后健康及福祉监测(如用户舒适度及满意度调查):定期开展 租户/消费者满意度调查。

6.2 施工期间现场及人员的健康、安全及安全指标

6.2.1 有关施工期间现场及人员的健康、安全及安全指标,按国家文明安 全施工规范要求执行。

6.2.2 为作业人员创造符合国家职业卫生标准和卫生要求的工作环境和 条件,并要求各参建单位采取措施保障现场作业人员获得职业健康 保护,建立、健全职业健康安全管理体系,完善安全管理制度。

6.2.3 除工程一切险及第三者责任险外,还要求各参建单位购买员工险。

6.2.4 要求各参建单位为作业人员配合复核国家规范的各类劳动保护用 品。并根据职业病防治措施的有关法律法规,配备相应的设施。

6.2.5 根据卫生防疫部门要求,对工地及相关区域做好防疫检查和处理, 并制定突发公共卫生防疫事件的应急预案。

6.2.6 杜绝人员伤亡事故,要求各施工单位组织人员安全培训,提高员工 安全意识和防范能力。

7.0 对社区影响及与社区互动参与

7.1 跟踪调查社会及经济对社区的影响

7.1.1 根据不同的项目定位、功能参数、消费领域、标准和情景,提供设 计阶段和建设阶段的市场分析报告。

7.1.2 提供运营阶段的社区参与计划,以考虑周边环境影响、健康、安全 和邻里参与的议题。

8.0 气候应变力措施

为应对气候变化和全球变暖,我们在项目的规划、设计和建设方面、制定了以下 措施,以减少碳排放及适应极端气候情况的影响:

8.1 项目应考虑到以下气候适应性措施:

- 确定项目所在地区的气候影响。

- 将可能的影响纳入建筑项目和社区的性能目标。

- 将区域影响细化到更小的范围;预测气候变化可能在当地环境中的表现,向设 计团队提供可能的气候情况。

- 选择能够使项目在预期寿命内实现和维持性能目标的策略。

8.2 办公楼、商业在过渡季节和冬季采用冷却塔免费供冷(如有冷却塔)。

8.3 冷冻水和冷却水均采用大温差设计,节约水泵输送能耗。

8.4 办公楼、商业空调水系统采用变流量系统,能根据负荷变化调整并降低流量 和用电量。

8.5 大楼电梯采用能量回馈系统, 可以将电梯在运行时(比如:满载下行和空 载上行时)的势能转化为电能,回馈到电网,降低项目能耗。但仅电梯的梯速在 2.0m/s 及以上时,才会采用此项措施。

8.6 空调风系统(包括新风机组和空气处理机等),均配备二级空气过滤器,以 减少室外空气质量变差的影响并改善室内空气质量。

8.7 总停车位中的10%应提供电动汽车充电桩,以减少化石燃料的使用,并改善 当地的空气质量。

8.8 制冷机组采用环保冷媒,减少温室效应和对臭氧层的破坏。

8.9 照明光源选用高效节能LED光源,减少用电量。

崇邦项目管理部 ESG 设计及施工政策(最终讨论稿)


The Chongbang Group

Chongbang Project Department ESG Policy on Design and Construction

Chongbang Project Department ESG Policy on Design and Construction

Final Draft

1. Goal:“ Chongbang Project Department ESG Policy on Design and Construction(Draft)” (“Design Policy”) is a part of Chongbang’s overall strategy to promote sustainable development.

2. Principles: The requirements stipulated in this policy represent Chongbang’s baseline planning and design requirements for new construction and major renovation projects. These requirements meet or exceed the China Green Building Label. Design requirements from other international green building codes or standards, including but not limited to, LEED, WELL, BREEAM, RESET and SITE, may be optionally adopted, subject to management and shareholder approval based on, but not limited to, project-specific functional parameters, green certification requirements, investor’s requirements, cost, complexity and other factors.

This policy forms part of the official project management (QAQC) control document and it will accompany all bid documents for design and construction services and material supplies.

3. Amendments: The Design Policy shall be reviewed and updated from time to time as required.

1.0 Sustainability R equirements

1.1 Sustainability strategy

1.1.1 Sustainable development strategies for biodiversity and habitat, climate change adaptation, energy consumption and management, environmental attributes of building materials, greenhouse gas

emission management, green building certification, building safety, health and well-being, location and transportation, climate resilience, supply chain, water conservation and waste management shall be implemented in accordance with the requirements of national design and construction management specifications.

1.2 Sustainable Site Selection Criteria

1.2.1 Access to multiple modes of transportation network is designed according to the national green building codes.

1.2.2 All development projects should be located within existing developed areas. The calculation of development density within a radius of 400m-1km of the project boundary needs to meet the requirements of green certification (i.e. LEED certification) requirements.

1.2.3 Protect, restore, and conserve the habitats for existing threatened and endangered species. Protect the existing natural waters, wetlands, vegetation, etc. within the development site and maintain the continuity of ecosystem between the inside and the outside of the site boundary.

1.2.4 The development site is located on the developed land, not on any farmland or waterlogging area.

1.2.5 The redevelopment of industrial contaminated land parcel shall be handled in accordance with the relevant national standard "Technical Guidelines for Soil Remediation of Land for Construction ".

1.3 Sustainable site design and development requirements

1.3.1 Increase the recycling quantity of construction and demolition waste, reduce landfill, recycle and

/ or reuse harmless construction and demolition materials up to ≥15%.

1.3.2 Manage waste by diverting reusable vegetation, rocks, and soil from disposal in accordance with "Technical Code for Construction and Demolition Waste Treatment ".

1.3.3 Protect air quality during construction. To implement air pollution management plan during construction.

1.3.4 Reduce construction pollution, protect surface water and aquatic biological system, and protect water bodies during construction.

1.3.5 Protect and restore habitat and soils disturbed during construction.

1.3.6 Consider urban biodiversity through landscaping, green roofs, green facades and green infrastructure to improve microclimate, reduce urban heat island effect, and overall ecosystem resilience against environmental stress.

2.0 Materials and Certifications

2.1 Building materials attributes

2.1.1 Building materials such as lead containing coatings, asbestos, mercury are prohibited. Reduce the use of potential health hazards building materials. To employ environmental-friendly cleaning products and to use low VOC building materials (paint coatings, adhesives, sealants, gypsum boards, etc.), as well as low VOC furniture.

2.1.2 To employ and adopt building materials with excellent environmental attribute and performance (i.e. local materials, building materials with recycled ingredients).

2.1.3 To disclose information on the environmental and/or health attributes of building materials.Take priority to procure building materials with full disclosure of its material contents and green building materials with third-party certification or evaluation.

2.1.4 Take priority to procure building materials with public disclosure on environmental attributes, and provide environmental protection product certification.

2.1.5 Take priority to procure building materials with both full and public disclosure of its material contents on health attributes.

2.1.6 Prohibit to use building materials which are health and environmentally hazardous with reference to the local code of "The Prohibited or Restricted Use of Materials for Construction Projects ".

2.1.7 Employ locally extracted or recovered materials. The weight of building materials produced within 500km covered in radius demographically,

should be 60% greater than the total weight of building materials to be used in construction.

2.1.8 Partially employ rapidly renewable materials, low embodied carbon materials, and recycled content materials (i.e. Building materials made of bamboo, flax, wheat straw, and building materials with high content of recycled components, etc).

2.1.9 The proportion of recyclable materials and reusable materials used in public buildings should reach no less than 15%.

2.1.10 To employ low embodied carbon materials and third-party or other green certified wood-based materials and products.

2.1.11 Low VOC emission material should be applied in accordance with relevant national code "Technical requirement for low VOC content product ".

2.1.12 100% new projects shall apply prefabrication design and construction. All major buildings of a new project must contain at least 40% of its structural elements that are required to be prefabricated in design and construction.

6.2 Green building standards

6.2.1 All developed projects must meet the requirements of China Green Building Label 2 Star. Requirements from other international green building codes or standards may be optionally adopted, subjected to different conditions and criteria of projects.

6.2.2 According to Clause 2.2.1 stated above, to achieve all of the relevant green building certifications or pre-certifications during the required certification period.

3.0 Energy Efficiency

3.1 Energy efficiency requirements

3.1.1 Planning and design for energy efficiency requirements should be implemented in accordance with national code "Design standard for energy efficiency  of  public  buildings " and “General code for energy efficiency and renewable energy application in buildings ”.

3.1.2 Relevant Green Building Certification standard should be considered and implemented during the integrative design process.

3.1.3 The thermal performance of building envelope should be at least 10% higher than the requirements stipulated in the current relevant

national building energy efficiency design standards; The building energy consumption should be lower in more than 20% of the current national building energy efficiency standards.

3.1.4 Energy efficiency controls and measures should be implemented in accordance with national code "Design standard for energy efficiency of public  buildings" and “General code for energy efficiency and renewable energy application in buildings ” .

3.1.5 Shading: The east, west and south side of a new building shall have physical shading to prevent excessive solar heat gain.

3.1.6 HVAC: COP of Chiller plant, thermal efficiency of gas boiler (if included in the project), the energy efficiency ratio (EER) of unitary air conditioners, and the comprehensive coefficient of performance (IPLV) of VRF, shall comply with “General code for energy efficiency and renewable energy application in buildings ”.

3.1.7 Commissioning: In accordance with national design and inspection specifications.

3.1.8 Energy consumption simulation: To evaluate the thermal performance of building envelope and building energy consumption.

3.1.9 Lighting: The lighting intensity of any main functional compartment reaches the target value specified in the current national standard GB50034 "Standard for  lighting  design  of  buildings "; While meeting code requirements, the lighting system of public areas should adopt energy-saving controls including zoning, grouping, and lighting level control. In areas which daylight is sufficient, the lighting control system of these area shall be wired independently. Area such as corridor, stair room, main lobby, elevator lobby and underground parking shall have energy-efficiency related controls, including “split even-odd fixture wiring” to allow alternate banks of lighting to be turned off during

low occupancy periods while meeting code requirements. Lighting along office transferred perimeter walls are controlled by photo-sensors, either automatically by the Building Management Systems, or transferred to manual control by occupants. Fire control staircases shall have occupancy control. The lighting power density in parking garage shall not exceed 1.9W/m2.

3.1.10 Human detection sensor: the lighting of fire staircase is controlled by human detection sensors.

3.1.11 Heating: Control measures should be taken to reduce energy consumption of heating systems under partial load and partial space usage.

3.1.12 Ventilation: For mechanical ventilation system, ventilation rate to be implemented in accordance with national design code "Design code for  heating  ventilation  and  air  conditioning  of civil buildings ". All buildings with curtain-wall system shall have operable windows or devices enabling natural ventilation to reduce air-conditioning related energy usage during mild seasons.

3.1.13 Fans and pumps: All fans shall have energy efficiency of no less than Tier 2. The energy efficiency of circulation pumps shall comply with the

rating recommended by code instead of the compulsory value.

3.1.14 Water heating: Employ renewable energy to cover partial demand of the centralized hot water supply.

3.1.15 Building energy efficiency monitoring: To install remote data collecting system for different classification and grading system. Set up energy management system for data monitoring and surveillance of building energy consumption. Total cooling and heating supply shall be monitored and recorded.

3.1.16 Building energy consumption analysis: To install remote data collecting system for different classification and grading system. Set up energy management system for data analysis and management of building energy consumption.

3.1.17 Post-construction energy monitoring: Monitor the annual energy consumption for no less than the minimum of 10 years.

3.1.18 Sub-meter: To install remote data collecting system for different classification and grading system, for monitoring energy consumption.

3.1.19 Life cycle assessment (LCA), including energy, water, embodied carbon and carbon emission, will be extended to be part of our design methodology apply to all major systems, including structure. So we fully consider the life cycle impact and capital allocation, for decision making.

In the stages of feasibility study, schematic design, preliminary design, construction drawing and construction, carbon emission analysis shall be carried out respectively. The embodied carbon shall be included in the analysis, the scope of which shall include, but not be limited to: construction materials, transportation to site, assembly, maintenance and material replacements, deconstruction, and reuse, recovery, recycling. Building elements included in the analysis shall include, but not be limited to: steel frame, corrugated steel and concrete floor, reinforced concrete structure, and curtain wall.

3.1.20 Establish and improve the monitoring-based commissioning of building equipment systems. Fundamental energy consumption, operation parameters of major systems, energy performance of key equipment, and indoor environment indicators shall all be monitored. The system shall also be capable of displaying, checking, recording and generating alarms. The data storage system and media shall keep data for a period of no less than 3 year.

3.2 Renewable energy generated on-site

3.2.1 100% new projects shall apply on site solar energy system, including solar PV panels. Subject to different project criteria and conditions applicable, we will further consider battery storage, micro-grid systems, BIPV, grid-interactive monitoring and control systems. If applicable, other renewable energy system, such as biomass, geothermal, hydraulic and/or wind, shall also be studied. We will consider measures to increase renewable

energy adoption, including entering into renewable energy power purchase agreements (PPA) and purchasing renewable energy certificates (RECs), within the strategic mix of options.

4.0 Water C onservation and Waste Management

4.1 Water consumption requirements

4.1.1 Water conservation requirements for planning and design shall be implemented in accordance with the national design code "Design standard for energy efficiency of public buildings ".

4.1.2 The commissioning plan shall be implemented in accordance with the requirements of national design and acceptance code "Code of inspection for construction quality of water supply, drainage and heating works ".

4.1.3 The integrative design for water conservation shall meet the current national standard "Standard for water conservation design in civil building ".

4.1.4 Requirements for indoor water consumption: Water consumption efficiency of indoor sanitary equipments and fixtures should be Grade 2 or above.

4.1.5 Requirements for outdoor water consumption efficiency: Employ water-saving irrigation systems

(micro-irrigation or drip irrigation, etc.). To apply water conservation control measures i.e. soil moisture sensors, automatic rain-closing devices, or adopt plants that do not require permanent irrigation.

4.1.6 Requirements for water supply: The water quality of domestic hot water, swimming pool water, heating and air conditioning system water, landscape water, etc. should meet the requirements of current relevant national standards.

4.1.7 Water conservation measures: Reuse water is used for landscaping and basement floors cleaning. Water consumption efficiency of indoor sanitary equipments and fixtures should be Grade 2 or above.

4.1.8 The commissioning plan of water system shall be implemented in accordance with the requirements of national design and inspection code

"Code for inspection for construction quality of water supply, drainage and heating works ".

4.1.9 Drip/smart irrigation: Employ water-saving irrigation system (i.e. micro irrigation or drip irrigation, etc.).

4.1.10 To use and adopt local plants that is drought tolerant and uses less water for planting.

4.1.11 High-efficiency/dry fixtures: Water consumption efficiency of indoor sanitary equipments and fixtures should be Grade 2 or above.

4.1.12 Human detection sensor: Take priority to procure sanitary facilities with induction function (i.e. induction faucet, induction urinal, etc.).

4.1.13 On-site waste water treatment shall be implemented according to the national construction code of practice.

4.1.14 Reuse of rainwater for non-potable applications. Employ non-traditional water sources for irrigation, underground carpark and road cleaning, and car washing. Provide sub-metering to monitor the exact amount of rainwater collected and utilized.

4.1.15 Water efficiency monitoring: To install remote data collecting system for different classification and grading system. Data to be collected and analyzed to reflect the situation of water consumption.

4.1.16 Post-construction water consumption monitoring: Monitor the annual water consumption for no less than a minimum of 20 years.

4.1.17 Sub-meter: To install remote data collecting system for different classification and grading system. Data to be collected and analyzed to reflect the situation of water consumption.

4.1.18 Water consumption analysis: To install remote data collecting system for different classification and grading system. Data to be collected and analyzed to reflect the situation of water consumption.

4.2 Waste Management

4.2.1 On-site waste water treatment shall be implemented according to the national construction code of practice.

4.2.2 Allocation of collection points for recyclables (segregate under 5 categories: metal, plastic, paper, card board and glass) should be considered.

4.2.3 Waste streams and diversion rates (from landfill) shall be tracked.

5.0 Supp ly C hain

5.1 ESG- specified requirements for contractors

5.1.1 The environmental auditing standard during construction is implemented in accordance with the requirements of the code of practice for construction management: "Code for green construction of building” and "Emission Standard of Environmental Noise for Boundary of Construction Site ".

5.1.2 Using green building materials: The weight of building materials produced within 500km covered in radius demographically, should be 60% greater than the total weight of building materials to be used in construction; Ready-mixed concrete should be used for Cast-in-place concrete construction; Ready- mixed mortar should be used for building construction. The proportion of recyclable materials and reusable materials used in public buildings should reach no less than 15%.

5.1.3 Building materials which are non health hazardous should be adopted in accordance with the relevant national code of practice: “Code for indoor environmental pollution control of civil building engineering”.

5.1.4 Occupational safety on site should be implemented in accordance with the requirements of construction management specifications: “Standard for construction safety inspection”, “Technical code for fire safety of construction site”, “Standard for environment and sanitation of construction site”.

5.1.5 ESG-specific requirements for sub-contractors: In accordance with the requirements of the construction management specifications for the general main contract.

5.2 Monitoring contractors'compliance

5.2.1 Contractors to implement the followings in accordance with Chongbang project management and relevant green certification requirements: To provide update reports on environmental and social impact assessment during construction. To liaise with external audits by third party. To carry out internal audits (internal auditing should covered 100% of project scope) and weekly/monthly (on-site) meetings with site visits.

6.0 H ealth, Safety and Well-being

6.1 Occupant well-being

6.1.1 Implementation of relevant health and well-being requirements and measures, planning and design requirements, and integrative planning procedures should refer to the national "Technical Specifications for Occupational Health Monitoring", company's management system on employee health and welfare, and relevant green building requirements.

6.1.2 Active and passive recreational facilities should be introduced in accordance with different project criteria, base on the requirements of urban green spaces, public squares and sports venues, walkability, and fitness provisions.

6.1.3 To introduce active design features (i.e. Physical activity and sports related theme) according to each of the project positioning.

6.1.4 To carry out daylight analysis in according to relevant national design regulations.

6.1.5 Indoor air quality monitoring: The underground car park should be equipped with a carbon monoxide concentration monitoring device and linked with the exhaust equipment. The monitoring system is set up for monitoring the concentration of PM10, PM2.5, CO2 in the air. This monitoring device should also be able to collect and storing monitoring data for no less than a period of one year, with the function of real time data display. Indoor air quality standard, i.e. RESET or the equivalent, shall be apply.

6.1.6 Control of indoor air quality: The concentration of pollutants, i.e.: formaldehyde, benzene series, total volatile organic compounds, and hydrogen, should comply with the relevant regulations of the current national standard -"Indoor Air Quality Standard" GB/T18883.

6.1.7 Natural ventilation: To be implemented according to relevant national design requirements.

6.1.8 Provisions for active transport (i.e. cycling or by walking): In accordance with the requirements of national design codes and control regulations.

6.1.9 Occupant education: To establish and execute a green & sustainable educational mechanism. Prepare a user handbook for using of green facilities. Promote green culture.

6.1.10 Post-construction health and well-being monitoring (i.e. survey on occupant comfort and satisfaction): Conducting regular tenants/consumers satisfaction surveys.

6.2 On-site health and safety during the construction stage

6.2.1 On-site health and safety plan to be implemented during the construction phase, in accordance with the national site safety regulations in construction.

6.2.2 Create a working healthy and safety environment and conditions for on-site personnel that meet national occupational health standards and health requirements, and require all participating contractors to take measures to ensure that on-site personnel receive occupational health protection, establish and improve the occupational health and safety management system, and improve the safety management system.

6.2.3 Apart from engineering risks and third-party liability insurance, all participating contractors are also required to purchase employee insurance.

6.2.4 All participating contractors are required to facilitate and to ensure relevant labor protection right apply to all on-site personnel.

6.2.5 The construction site and its related areas should be implemented with epidemic prevention precautionary measures and controls. An emergency response plan for public health epidemic prevention incidents should be formulated.

6.2.6. All construction units are required to organize personnel safety training to improve employee safety awareness and prevention capabilities for preventing casualties.

7.0 Community Impact and Engagement

7.1 Monitor social and economical impact on community

7.1.1 Market analysis report during design and construction period shall be provided based on different project positioning, functional parameters, consuming sectors, criteria and scenarios.

7.1.2 Community engagement plan during operational period shall be provided to consider for surrounding environmental impact, health, safety, and neighbor engagement issues.

8.0 C limate Resilience Measures

In response to climate change and global warming, we set the following measures for the planning, design and construction of our projects, in mitigating carbon emissions and adapting to the impacts of extreme climate events:

8.1 A project shall put the following climate-resilient consideration into account:

- Identify climate impacts for the project’s region;

- Incorporate possible impacts into performance goals for the building project and the neighborhood;

- Refine regional impacts to smaller scale; anticipate how climate changes are likely to manifest in the local environment, present design team with a range of possible scenarios;

- Choose strategies that enable the project to achieve and maintain performance goals, under all possible futures, for the expected life of the project.

8.2 The cooling towers will provide “free-cooling” during the Spring and Fall transition periods as well as during the winter time for Office and Retail spaces. (Applicable subject to availability of the cooling tower system).

8.3 High △ T is applied to both chiller water and cooling water system to reduce pump energy.

8.4 The chilled water system for the office and shopping mall operates with Variable Water Flow control, which reduces water pumping energy during variable cooling load conditions.

8.5 The building elevator adopts a regenerative energy recovery system, which can convert the potential energy of the elevator in operation (such as full load descending and no load ascending) into electric energy. This energy can be fed back to the power substation to reduce the project’s energy consumption. This measure will only be adopted when the speed of the elevator is above 2.0m/s.

8.6 Air conditioning systems (including Primary Air Units and Air Handling Units, etc.) are equipped with secondary air filters to improve IndoorAir Quality and mitigate the effects of poor outdoor air quality.

8.7 10% of total parking spaces of a project shall be provided for EV-charging stations to help reduce use of fossil fuels and improve local air quality.

8.8 Environmental- friendly refrigerants are used to minimize global warming and ozone depletion.

8.9 High-efficiency LED lighting helps to reduce energy consumption.

Chongbang Project Department ESG Policy on Design and Construction(Final Draft)